Page 189 - chs-1998
P. 189

Fast Bats and a lot of speed

                                                     are the hallmarks of the Tiger

                                        Diamond '

                              he  H  Boy's  arsity team was loaded up with   second place trophy  but  owed to get bu  y and
                            a  all  kinds  of  talent  and  have  continued  their   heat up the bats.
                            winning   ays  after  a  slo   ">tart.  The  ba">eball   The next game against  u  a nee ~a sure to
                            comple  took on a even brighter shine with the new   be tough and the Bulldogs  panl\ed the Tigers 11-
                            sion that pulled in more fans off the  high~ay next   7.  The team's bats ~eren't quite hot enough and
                            to the school.  F·iuhting a continuing water problem   they  fell  to  andalwood 8-3  but things began to
                            \\ ith the hea\ y rains. the Tigers did not let  l1 'ino   turn  around  ~hen the  Tiger  beat  Cia   Oak
                            and  the  floods  slow  down  the  adion  at  Tiger   Hall  13-7 and moved over to Baker to  in  -7.
                            ~t.tdium.   J\en with the pumps thumping in the   The team feels they need to oet  .. ndalwood
                            background. the  Tigers came  together as  a team   on the rematch  ince the_  are in the Ti&er'  Di  -
                            and  made  -.ome  good  memories  for  the  fans  and   trict and of cour e. n:venge i  on their mind   ith
                            player  . A  luggish  tart ga\e team member  time   the n:match again  t the  uwanee Bulldog  .
                            to refocus their goals and come together and they   There  is  a  lot  of  emor leadership on  the
                            played much better as the season progres<.,ed.   team as ~ell a  great <.,upport from the undercla  -
                                The Pre- ea<.,on  Ia  sic  a~ the Tiger  flash   men. Parent  and  an  ha\ e let the team kno\\ they
                            by Gainesville Hi .!h  chool ~ ith a 6-5 \\in but the}   are  behind them  with  a lot of cheering from  the
                            were  stopped  ">hort  of  a  first  place  ~ ith  a  bitter   home ">tand  .
                           defeat to  Bucholz.  The Tiger  took  home the    The Tiger look  for\\ ard to  the remainder  of
                                                                          the  ea  onandfeelthatthi. i  reall~ the)earofthe
                                                                          Tiger ba  eball team.
                                                                                   -Matt Myles

                                                                                     hut the door!
                                                                                    Andy Schrader gets ready to
                                                                                    come 1n  and close the door on
                                                                                    an opposing team
                                                                                    ·Micah Noda. Andy Schrader,
                                                                                    Drew Sloan, Micah Tillotson,
                                                                                    and Kevm Kennington hangout
                                                                                    in the dugout before practice!

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