Page 204 - chs-1998
P. 204

Slide Lakaya!   Lakaya  Butts   Smile Brandi!   Brandl  Everett
                                                          warms up before the match aga1nst Live   1s well known around the area for bowling
                                                          Oak.  Lakaya  shows  off  her  sk1lls  1n   stnkes. Brandl 1s  seen here 91V1ng  1t  her
                                                          shadow bowling. The  Lady Tigers  beat   all as she w1nds up to bowl another one of
                                                          Suwannee.                   her stnkes.

            3 strikes, we aren't out ! !

                                      This year Columbia High
                                      School had an addition to
                                      the usual sport's line-up. A
     w                                female bowling team was
     ~                                included th1s January 1n  the
     t-                               school ;s variety of extra-
     en                               curncular activities and
                                      there was a tremendous
                                      turn out of eager girls who

                   were ready to bowl! Approximately forty girls
                   s1gned  up and twenty-two were on the team.
                     This 1s the first time that Columbia High has
                    ever had a bowling team but 1t was a needed
                    solut1on to a difficult problem. According to
                    Coach Owens there are a state and federal
                    mandates that require an equal number of
                    boy and g1rl  sports. The state and local gov-
                    ernment do not 1nclude cheerlead~ng or
                    danc1ng as sports. "We had to balance the
                    scale," explained Coach Owens. If the female
                    bowling team had not been added, a boy's
                    sport would have had to be dropped.
                     The bowling team ended with a great record
                    and appears to be a permanent fixture in
                    Columbia H1gh  School sports.
                                                                             Strike for Perfection  Dee Dee Arline

                                                                             T1gersand she also bowls w1th Ja1me 1n
                                                                             the Youth League  Dee Dee f1nesses the
                                                                             ball hopeful of a spare.

           200,  Bowling
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