Page 202 - chs-1998
P. 202

Hitting the Courts

           The  olumbia High  G1rl  '  Tenm-.  Team  tin-
         I h  d \\ 1th .1  trong  a  on under the direction of
         Coa  h   arol) n  Delaney-Brown.  The  top  fi\e
         player  were  ophomore Brandy Corbin and  e
         mor  Domimque Howell.  nn  hl\·eler. Tere  e
         Kolne  and Janna Blanton  Roundmg out the team
         were  emor  Kim  Wolf.  Laura  Kam.  Chn  ~1e
         Hadley  and  French  exchange  . tudent  ~anon
         Lamur  . Jumor player  mclude Ketti Pier ol and
         Julia  elch;  ophomore  are    nita  Mhatre,
         Jeanm  W1  e. Hillary Ogden <Ind  very  Crapp.
         The team h.1d the advantage of playing at the long
         awaited  new  facility.  The  new  court~ are  tlil
         getting  improvement  with  light  . w md   reen..,
         and  a  gazeb  planned.  The  new  fa  iht1e  \\ere
         chn  tened with a non-di  tn  t match agam  t GH
         Thi  \\a  the fir  t ttme the team \Va  abl  to ho~t
         Dt  tn  t  on a home turf. The  ea  n  tarted w tth
         the  new  dt  tnct  change  o  the  team  no  longer
         played one of It  greate  t opponent  . Leon High
           hool and they gained  t Augu. tme. G  d Luck
         ne  t year!

                 emor  Enn  htveler and Laura Kam

         Playing tennis is
         one of her favorite
         things to do. Janna
         Blanton, co-captain
         returns the ball to 1ts
         sender for the game
         point. Janna's
         consistent play and
         positive att1tude
         have brought a lot
         of Senior leadership
                                Dominique Howell
         to the team.
                                plays near the net
                                when playing
                                doubles with her
                                partner Brandy

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