Page 202 - chs-1998
P. 202
Hitting the Courts
The olumbia High G1rl ' Tenm-. Team tin-
I h d \\ 1th .1 trong a on under the direction of
Coa h arol) n Delaney-Brown. The top fi\e
player were ophomore Brandy Corbin and e
mor Domimque Howell. nn hl\·eler. Tere e
Kolne and Janna Blanton Roundmg out the team
were emor Kim Wolf. Laura Kam. Chn ~1e
Hadley and French exchange . tudent ~anon
Lamur . Jumor player mclude Ketti Pier ol and
Julia elch; ophomore are nita Mhatre,
Jeanm W1 e. Hillary Ogden <Ind very Crapp.
The team h.1d the advantage of playing at the long
awaited new facility. The new court~ are tlil
getting improvement with light . w md reen..,
and a gazeb planned. The new fa iht1e \\ere
chn tened with a non-di tn t match agam t GH
Thi \\a the fir t ttme the team \Va abl to ho~t
Dt tn t on a home turf. The ea n tarted w tth
the new dt tnct change o the team no longer
played one of It greate t opponent . Leon High
hool and they gained t Augu. tme. G d Luck
ne t year!
emor Enn htveler and Laura Kam
Playing tennis is
one of her favorite
things to do. Janna
Blanton, co-captain
returns the ball to 1ts
sender for the game
point. Janna's
consistent play and
positive att1tude
have brought a lot
of Senior leadership
Dominique Howell
to the team.
plays near the net
when playing
doubles with her
partner Brandy
198 Vars1ty Girls Tennis