Page 199 - chs-1998
P. 199


                                 say                   0

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                           TA  c  A  PO                                          PBOU  D!

                        "The  weight] i fting  team                              Taking it to the Roof
                        i  full  f  potential.  ev-                              "Ltghtweight!"
                        eral  tate   hamp~ t  -be                                "Take it to the Roof!"
                        work    ut  after  cho  I                                "Don't talk  "
                        with the drive that it take                               The  CH  weightlifting  team
                        t   win  a  ring.     ery                                get  pumped  up  for  their
                        Wedne. day  there  1  a
                        match  in  the  gym.  Co-                                weightlifting match and another
                        lumbia  ha  d  minuted,                                  great  ea on.  La t  year'  team
                        easily  handling                                         wa  good, but thi  year'  team i
                        Middleburg  Tht  1  the
                        year~ r a .... tate Champi-                              better. Their eye  are on bring-
                        on  htp."  atd Jacob Tho-                                ing  the  champion  hip  back  to
                        ma                                                      CH  . "Our team  i  more  dedi-
                                                                                cated  thi  year,      aid  enior
                                                                                Jar  i  Byrd. The backbone of the

                                                                                team  i  the  enior  leader hip.
                                                                                "The  enior  work hard to get all
                                                                                the  younger  lifter  moti  ated,"
                                                                                  aid  Coach Bobby John  . The
                                                                                team ha  a number of  eteran
                                                                                including  Marcu  Ander  on.
                                                                                Jarvi  Byrd,  Quinton  Callum,
                                                                                Mariole  Da  i  ,  Billy  Lockley,
                                                                                Don London and Kendyll Pope.
                                                                                Through hard work and con  i  -

                                                                                tent  team  effort.  the  goal  of a
                                                     Push  Hard!  During  h1s  "t1me  to   tate Champion  hip i  urely at-
                                                     show  what  he  IS  made  of"
                                                     Marcus Goggins performes the   tainable! G  d Lu  k b  y  !
                                                     clean and Jerk  to  an apprehen-
                                                     Sive  audience  of  fellow
                                                                                    - eni  r Marcu  Ander on
                       CLEAN AND NO JERKS!

                                                                                                     Weightlifting  195
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