Page 221 - chs-1998
P. 221
major In Phy11cal Educabon/Physical Therapy" and never dod any WOfi( and alway pocked on Coach
Memoriaa:, remember all lha fun memonas of play~ng pow- Wolf"
dar pun tootbal WI the be I cfa11 of gor1• "11198".
UNOSEY HALE N ckname: "Cali"
ckname "LH." O.O.B 101231711 PO.B : lake Coty, FL
0.0 B 10111ng P.O.B : Gaine \II a. FL F.v Song: "November Raon" ·Guns and Rosa
Fav Song· "Shit holdon'on lo you;. Clint Black & Martina F.v. Slogan: "He who laugha the loud onen the last
McBride one 1o gat lha • •
Fav ogan : "Walch mt nosa 1 " Aeeompllahmenta· Bata Club (9), (10), (11), (12),JV
Aeeompllahmenta Beta (II), (10), (11). (12), AeadaiTIIC let ChHr1eadong (9), Scoanca Award (9,, Leo Club (10),
tar (II), (1 0), (11 ), (12), Student Council Rep. (9), (1 0), (12) (11), (12), Mu Alpha Th ta (10), $pen h Club (10), Tao-
J V & V Baseball scor Hper (II), Drama (II), J. V chHr1ead· nil (10), (11), (12), Cnmonal.klstoce Student Assocoatoon
ar (10),· OCKaptaon (II), FCA (10),1ntaract (10), Nabonal (10), (11), Chamo try (10), Nabonal Honor Society (11),
Honor Sociaty (10), (11), (12). J.V Voleybal (10), D.A.R.E. (12)
role mod (1 0), (11 ), J V So be (10). Dance Club (10). Goale : "To be the for I female PreSident ollhe U.S"
(11), Who's who? (10), (11), Honor Roll (10), (11). Varsity
Ch r1Nder(11), (12),oo-eaplaln (12), S ADD (11), (12), KRISTINE HICHCOCK
Crimi Justice Student Auoc. (11), • PrNident (12), Leo
Goal• : "A nd & graduate college, gat married, & rao a
ri•• "Spnng Br '117, Day!ona Beach. FL."
D.O.B 1124180 P.O.B : a City, FL SHANNON HOUGH
Aecompllehmenta: Tlgarall (11). OCT (11), (12) D.O. B. 12nng PO.B : Live Oa , FL
Goate · "Go to College. own mt own bu ness F.v Song "Giva me lhrH tapa" -lynard Skynard
F.v Slogan : "For real?"
JUU HALTIWANGER Aceompllahmenta: CECF (11), (12)
Nickname "Je • Goa Ia: "To be a CPA."
D.O. B. 1118180 PO.B : La a City Memori .. : 'When I got caught oppong ..:hool."
Fav Song: "Push"· Match Sac 20
Fav Slogan., don't know" WENDY HOWARD
Aecompllahmenta: FCA (II), (1 0). Denee Club (1 0). (11 ),
Nickname: "Dom"
TIMOTHY HARRELL D.O B 612/80 P.O B.: Ga~nasvo e. FL
F.v Song: "Low Me"· Col ns Raye
KALA HARRI GTON F.v Slogan : "Stre s'"
Aeeompllahmenta: Bata Club (9), (10), V Tam (II),
SAMANTHA HARVEY (10), (11 ), (12), AcadaiTIIC La er (9), In aract (10), (12),
Area TemosTaam (12)
I name"Tonya RYAN HUDSON
DOB 5116179PO.B:Gaon ,FL
Fav. Song "Evarythong" • Mary J Bhga LOWELL DALE HUFF, JR.
Fav Slogan : ,.m bout or' Nickname. "Huff", "D J •
Goa Ia: "Graduate from hogh ..::11001 and go to oollegalor ooe· D.O. B. 6116/80 PO.B : london, KY
mo ology and a ar that go to college ag n lo be a Correc- F.v Song: "How do I fi ?". Leanne
bonal ocar." F.v Slogan:, lalla • Do Patn'"
Memoriaa· 'When we had a tood fight In grade 2nd Goa Ia: "To be a very succa sful Plwnbong 0 and
lunch" marry icola DoPa In on June 26, 1999 •
Nickname: "Ha 0 0 B. 713/80 P.O B.: Lake Coty. FL
D.O.B 7i6175PO.B.:Gaone FL F.v Song. "Shoot to lha Lord'"
Fav Song:"G H E.T.TO U T (Ra )" F.v Slogan : 'What · What did you say'?'"
Fav logan : "Bout ~- 'bout • Aeeompllahmente: Togarall LT (II), (10), (1 1),· Cap-
Aceompllahmenta: Footba (10), (11) n (12), Drama Club (9), Franc Club (10), Dance Clu
~riaa · , remember when John JacQon tned to cut me (10), (11), OCT Club (11), (12)
Ice • Goala: "All nd college become a f'hyllcaf arap.s~
and marry Donnie Gilmore"
Nickname "'a CHELLE HUNTER
D.O.B 241711POB :Cata be .. C. ckname. "M•Shalr
Fav Song: "Can you HI aloYe?" D.O. B. 5116180 P O.B.: Gan a, FL
Fav Slogan: evargow up" F.v. Song. "'ne"· Me oca
Goala:, lobe a wt" F.v logan: "Let's go to GaonesV! • •
~riaa remember when SeniOrS could go home· Aecompllahmenta: FHA (9), Envorothon (9), French
(10), (11), (12), Lao club (10), (11), lnteract(10), Bata
ALAINA KATHRYN H LLER (10), Tennos (10), (1 1), (12), Who's Who? (1 1), Sworm11ng
0.0.8 7/12/80 P.O. B.: A anta. GA (12).
Fav Song : • coma, How long" Goala "Grapt-Ocs & 0. ogn at FSU."
Fav. Slog n • "Oh Jaapers'"
Aeeompllahmanta : Drama ChAl (II), Band (II), ( 1 0), (11 ), BRAND'I' HURLEY
(12), nt ract (10), Leo ChAl (12)
Goa Ia . "Sports Medoc a"
Memori .. "My ftrst A n Brav• game when I gol Chopper li
Jon • a ograph."
0 OB 2/22/80 PO. B.: Gain a FL
Fav. Song "Cancfta ., • nd". Enon John SHAUNTRELLJACKSON
Fav og n : "Whatev ('
Aeeompllahmenta Beta Club (9), FCA (II), (10), Student ADAM JANASIEW1CZ
Councl (9), (11), -Sgt at Arms (12), J V ChHr1ead r (9), Nickname "Sun na"
(10), Cia U.uon er (9). AcadaiTIIC La ar (9/, (10), D.O B. -4-'1/80 P 0 .8 ; Fort Lauderdale, FL
(1 1),1ntaract (10), Who's Who? (10), Class Secretary (10), Memoriaa c "Scarborough F ('
(11 ), Var ty ChHr1eadar (11 ), Gt State nee (1 1 ),
M CHS 41h n.-onar up (1 1 ), Luot-Varslty Tog relies (12), TAM JENKINS
Homaoomong Court (12) Nl me Baby Bubbles"
Goala: "Go to UF, gat a dag<H n erase spacoa zabon. Gat D.O.B.11/1 '117PO.B.;LHsbuag.Fl
mamed and have a happy • F.v Song "Push"· Ma chtx. 20
F.v Slogan : "Ya R on"
MARLA NICOLE HI GSON AccompUahmenta: TLC (II), Student Counco (10)
0 0.8 71231711 P O.B.: Alachua General Goala "Go to Col ega"
Fav Song· "The Danca". Garth Brooks
Fav Slogan : 'What eva~· TERRA SHALAWN JENKI S
Accompllahmenta: Chorus I· Women's Chorus (II), Spanosh name: "TH Jay"
Club, Chorus 2· Women's Choru (10) 0.0 B. 13/711 P.O. B.: a City, FL
Goa Ia: "Graduate, go o college and become a para I" F.v Song· ,, I could", ow and Forawf'
Memoria•· "Lea Gaogar and I -r• waoght ti logethar F.v Slogan : "Child Pease'"
Semor Index 217