Page 442 - chs-1998
P. 442
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Dusty. Mandy,
1 7fllll never for(!et September
I remember well the day we began.
ll. 1996 as Ion(! as 1 live. 1 kno7fl ince then we have made memorie again &
that It has only been a little over again~
a year. but 7fle 7fllll make It (!ro7fl I can imagine a picture of the day we'll
Into f'OJ{f:IJEJ{. 1 kno7fl that you wed,
can accomplish anythtn(! you put and that day doe n't I ok too far ahead:
Livin' up in the mountains unds good to
your mind to. .A11flays turn to WESTSTAHDS
God for (!Uidance and stren(!th. t o.4 1e 31 44
l c-. - ... - maybe in Georgia or Tenne ee:
}fe 7fllll lead the 7flay. Xeep your How much money we have doe n 't matter
faith. 1 tom,
L01JE. vou 111 because until we're called on high,
Love .A11flays. together we'll alway be.
f'red Love, Rooster