Page 447 - chs-1998
P. 447
Liza Watts, Christie Brannen, Liz Johnson
We girls, you it. You come to a.
put of your life th&t is just a.bout to end,
but yo atill hue a. long row &he&d of you. I
wish both of you the beat th~ th&t life ha.s
to offer. You girls h&ve me very proud
of yo . Ya. ue my bright, amut a.d
bea tiful yoUIIg gir a. Just kMp your he&d
high 1.11d keep Christ first beca.uae the sky is
the limit. Stick to your go&ls 1.11d a.chim
them the beat wa.y you know how. I w1.11t to
tha.llk both of you for believing in me 1.11d
a.lwa.ya being there for me. Whuever there
wa.s no one else to turn to. I knew I could
coUIIt on you. You girla hue become 1.11
import1.11t put of my life 1.11d my hwt.
Worda itself couldn't describe how much our
friendship me&~~S to me. We've a.ll ha.d our upa
&~~d dowus, but we've a.lwa.ya m&~~a.ged to get
thro gh them a.nd atick by one &~~other
thro gh it a.ll. But we sun do or good
times to look on. We've ha.d our la.ughs,
cries a.nd best momenta we've aJl aha.rtd. But
girls, it's not over!!! We aJl ma.ny more
to come. We aJl been beat friends for a.
coup:e of yura now &~~d they h&n been the
beat. I w&~~t to tha.nk you &~~d your fa.miliea
for everything 1.11d etting me become a.put of
your lives. Your my next fa.mily. I w1.11t you
to know tha.t I a.m a.lwa.ya here for you
whu ever yo IIMCl a. fnend. I just ook o t
for you the beat wa.y I know how. Go ahow
the word wha.t you c1.11 do. So, wa.tch out
word here they come. And wh' e yo r gone,
never forget me. Good luck with wha.tever
the future holds. Life's a. da.nce you lea.rn a.s
But just remember this, Your aJ a.te
442 Chnstic • Liza