Page 444 - chs-1998
P. 444
Christie a en
It hard to n tnto a beautiful 'Oun I It
ms only
u f r the many memon )'OU
h:n gmm us to ch rl h \ ou h:n n reached a pomt tn your
future depen on decis10 )OU m It our prayer each da\ that u 1U tay
cl to God and mdance and du-ecuon for \ ur life emember God'
pronuse- he v.11l neo. r ave }OU or r e you Hold to the \'3.1 and m rals
\ tned to tnstiii m 'OU Congra ulauons' e lo' you \'ef} much and h }'OU
lhe t for lhe future \ou U al ~' be our htt e g~rl'
LO\ alv;a ,
Dad ·Mom