Page 174 - chs-1999
P. 174

\\ n  to k
           Lady Tig  r  J.  V. V  11  yball. ..

                           tNG TN  lR                             y

                       TO  THE TO,!

           B):  a  1e  l\.111g
                 The Junior  ar  it) Lady Tiger  Volle) hall team had a  ucce  ful  ca  on.  The
           team  con  i  ted  of  e\cn  freshmen  and  one  ophomorc.  The  majorit)  of the  team
           continued practice throughout the  ummer to tone up their  kill  for thi  )Car'  ea  on.
           Three of the girl  al  o attended team camp at the  ni\er it)  of Florida\\ ith thn ar  it)
           team.  PractKmg  O\er  the  ummer  and  attending  camp  help  d  impn)\c  the  team
           tremendou  I).
                 Th  Lad) Tiger  ''ere led h) fir  t-time \ olle) hall  oa ·h William Kinghorn. He
           brought more in ten  ity and a de  ire to" in to the a! read) talented girl  . The team  tat1ed
           off the  ea  on siO\\, but quickly  turned  it around into a \Cr)  sati. f)ing  ea  on.  The
           Tiger 'de  ire to\\ in  nd their con  tant focu  to h~come a better team brought the team
           clo  e together.  nd e\ entu  II)  turned into a" inning  ca  on.
                 The \ olle) ball team '"a  \cry  ati  tied '" ith thi  ea  on and hop  to he e\ en
           better next )Car.  Congratulation  ladie  . on a great year. and good lu  1i:  to next )Car'
           J.  . team!

                               TIGER  '   hout
                               tlln  pumped up for a

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