Page 177 - chs-1999
P. 177
y '
. ho won!? haf. da core!?
trap on y ur hinguard . l a c up "Th1 1 the fi t y arthat \\C ha\e a ''hole t am
your I t Cap a 1 n s of o r pla)crs, notJU t athl t th t n pla)
r," md o chT dd\ 1der r ndunngcon-
th t mad up th1 y ar'
Trevor Tyler
IS a fourth year vars1ty sinker. ·u
feels great to lead a team that 1s th1s
talented. rm proud to say I play for
Columbia HIQh." sa1d the sen~or cap·
Todd Lussier
has played defense for vars1ty for
three years ·oesp1te hav1ng only
four seniOrs. th1s team IS extremely run
sk1lled I am proud to play w1th such
a great group of players."
Nathaniel "Budlos" Watson
rida mght und rthc hght • \ h t IS a" second year vars1ty midf1elder/ \\crt:
defender. "We were young. but very
arc you prep r d to d ? good. The team really accomhshed going to be bad ne\\ for pp n nt thi yc r. The
some goals. I had a lot of fun. You t m \\a \cry ) oung. ha\ mg nl) four cni r
guys were great."
and fi\ c other returning pi ) cr . but the) \\ cr
\cf) t I ntcd. Thc T1gc pla)cd m thrc I uma-
matter t th t each pi ) cr gn c onc-hundn:d
n thc field."
Vars Bo s Socc r 73