Page 131 - chs-2001
P. 131
tud nt ar und the nati n circled the flagp le eptember 20 to
prayt rth w lfareofth ircla mate andf rp aceinJeru alem.
"I 've alwa b nina hri tain environm nt at home. o God ha
become the D cal point of m life. Being acti e in sport like
ba eball and cro . ountry ha allowed me to hare m faith with
other. : I u ually lead the team in pra er b fore a meet or game and
am\eryinvohed\\iththe[Fellow hipof hri tain thlete ].1 an
ee o many\\ orldl influen e. effecting p pie around me. but my
continual fa'th in G d ha kept me on the right track." -Fre hman
arr tt '' at
"G d ha hanged me a a p r on. Previou ly I wa. in a bad crowd.
headmg the \\ r ne way and He got me ba k on my feet. I know I can
rei n Him e\eryday thr ugh prayer. 1y friend re ognize that I am
spirituallyali\eand anrelyonme au eofthatrelation hiplhave
with G d. I ee the e\ iden e of my prayer each day." - ophomore
mb r mlin n
.. fter b ing reb m through Chri t. I realized that a per on truly 1 n t
living until they are living for G d. ee You At the Pole' 1 an
opp rtunity for the revival generation to me together to not only
thank G d for the ble mg He' e towed up n our O\\ n live . but to
pray for our ello\\ p er to a ept Je u a a m del for th ir daily
live o matter what hurch we go to or ba kround we are fr m. we
are all umted thr ugh Je u Chri tour Lord." -Junior auren tehl
hen I mpletel urrend red my life to G d two y ar ago. He
completely tranformed who I a . He hanged me from a per n
who wa d pres ed and often thinking ab ut m ide to a p r n \\ ho
under tand life and live it to it' full t. That 1 e a tly \\ h t e
You at the P le" wa ab ut. It wa. ab ut te nager \\ ho were k. of
dry religion and lifele hving and were eekmg the life- hanging
power of G d." - nior Brent h ffield
127, See You At The Pole