Page 134 - chs-2001
P. 134
Pets, Man·s Best Friend
Are pets man's best friends
at? rous students at
Col bia High School have pets
and d arly lo them. Pet are
so thing no one should have to
live without because they are
great companio . It is said that
people live longer if you own a pet.
If this is tnle, everyone should
own a pet. Whether it be a dog
or even a rat, pet make people
ha py and co plete ou lives.
R1g . Ewwwl Ra s are nastyl Apparen ly Kelh
Car rchael, and her SIS erA ssa, don't agree w1 h
that statement. She sho s how much she loves
Chedder her pet ro .
Above. AI ough most people hke gomg muddin' rn
the1r trucks, 1t looks l1ke Tiffany Burgess' dog,
Woody likes o go mudd~n ' as well
R19 .Aww, How cu el Mrs H1nes and her dog Pr•ssy
loo l1 e wo peas rn a pod
I 0, Pet