Page 249 - chs-2001
P. 249
A Fresh Start to an Age Old Tradition
Reason , on , and Lifetimes
.. This ponn JJ tkdzcattd to tht clasJ of200J ..
When omeone i in your life for a Re on,
it is ~ually to m t a n d you have ex pres d outwardly or
inwardly. They hav com to as i t you through a difficulty,
to provide you with guidance and upport, to aid you
physically, emotionally, or piritually. Thc:y may m like a godsend,
and they are. They ar there for th re on you n d them to
Th n, without any wrong doing on your part or at an inconv ni nt
time, thi person wtll ay or do omething to brin the
relati nship to an end Sometimes they die. Sometimes they
alk away. om tim they act up or out and force you to
take a tand. What w must realize is that our need has been m t,
our ire fulfill d; th ir work i done. The prayer you nt up h
been answered and it is now tim to move on.
When peopl oom into your life for a Se on, it is beca
your tum h com to hare, grow, or I arn They may bring
you an experi nce of peace or make you laugh. They may teach
you omething you have never done. They wuallygive you an
unbelievab amount of joy. Believ it! It i r al! But, only for a on.
Lifetime relationships teach you lifetime 1 ons; th -e thin you
mu t build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Above Zachary Radke captures Florida mag tic ites
Your job is to accept the 1 on, love the person/peop1 (anyway); through tu talented ph t graphy kills. Below: Mr.
and put hat you have learned to use in all other relationships and Radke' dem tra his gifted talent m the photograph
ar your life. It i aid that love is blind but friendship is of the unique bird. Right Laurn M hl her talented eye
clairvoyant. Thanks for being a part of my life: ... angl to capture the dl wmding road. All three
photograp are featured in Prin 2001.
-Self Expression Builds Character-
Pnnts 245