Page 245 - chs-2001
P. 245

ee  e  and  e  0  fo

                                                                                                 Left:  (in  back
                                                                                                 row.  L-R  7ac.h
                                                                                                 Huddle  ton-
                                                                                                   pinion  .  Jared
                                                                                                 Alii  on- ron t
                                                                                                 Page.  Forre  t
                                                                                                 Richard  -Photo
                                                                                                 Editor.  (front.  L-
                                                                                                 R   inod  urc  h-
                                                                                                  tudent Life  Ju  -
                                                                                                 tm  Hunt- port  .
                                                                                                 Du  tin  Brown-
                                                                                                  nt  rtainment.
                                                                                                 and  Dan Harley.-
                                                                                                 Entertainm  nt.

                                                                                      For the last. everal yean·,
                                                                                we hll\ e all made e.rtraordinmy
             ew  paper
                                                                                contribution  to the  Ti~er Tale.
            make    a
                                                                                either throu~h writin'? •. selling ads.
      pyramid that dons
                                                                                or just puttin~ the Cflr) thing
      their  only
                                                                                to~ether each molllh.  Lookin~
      of in  om  ,
                                                                                hack.  ~recan honestly. ay with
      Worle  .
                                                                                complete objecti\ it)  and no e.m~­
                                                                                '?eration that we lun·e created the
                                                                                best neHspaper in the his·tof)' of
                                                                                      In  later years. the world will
                                                                                look back mz  11.\  and man·  I at our
      re  t of the  edit  r
                                                                                mpematural publishin~ pou·en and
      to  continue
                                                                                wonder.  "What the heck were tho.\e
      antic  .
                                                                                gu).\  thinkin~ ?"
                                                                                            -Ti~er Taft  tcff. 2001
                                                                                                  241  • ''\\  papt:   t ..
   240   241   242   243   244   245   246   247   248   249   250