Page 244 - chs-2001
P. 244

he T. ger Tale Ed· tor                                                       - Advoc

                                                    ubmitting it to the pa
            per. The pr  e  of getting an art1cle  tn the paper i.  work inten. 1v
            Below: Jared  IIi  n.  Du  tin  Bro\\n, and Za  h Huddle  ton  \\atc.h

                                                             cu  thi  m  nth·  1  ue  and  how  to
                                                             improve  the  ne  t  one.  R1ght:
                                                             "Where'  the handle?" asks J ustm as
                                                             theTiger Tale  taff I ams a new u e
                                                             for the  anner that never work. .

                                                     Left: "Why won't thi.  thing work'?"
                                                      ay  Jared  Alii  on.  "   h,  well,
                                                     mayb  if I pay homage to the   an-
                                                    . ner g  d  I can at lea  t get it to  can
                                                    • my face."  R1ght:  The  taff carefully
                                                     examines the final draft of the pap  r
                                                     making  ure everything is p  rfect.
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