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licia  Dorman  -n- Angie

           Angie,                                                                      Alicia,
                  Over  the  past  four  years,                                              WOW!  Where  do  I begin  to
           you've  truly  grown  to  be  the  sister                                   let  you  know  and  thank  you  for
           I've  never had.  Through  my  rough                                        always sticking with me through all of
           times,  you  and  your  family  were                                        our  "hard"  times  and  our  most
           there and have accepted me as part                                          rewarding  times?  Alicia,  you  and  I
                                                                                       have done It all.
           of  their own.  From  late  night talks,                                          Our last year In  High  School
           parents  on  our  cases  from  what                                         Is coming to a close,  and I must ~ay
           we've  done  or  have  not  done,                                           that I am  very  blessed  to  have  you
           boyfriend  problems(a  lot  of  those),                                     as  my  "besf' friend.  I always knew
           shopping,  hunting experiences, pool                                        In my heart God would truly bless me
           parties,  S&S  restrooms,     and                                           with  someone  that  I  can  share  my
           chocolate covered cherries, I can truly                                     biggest hopes and fears with.  I want
           say  W-.3've  shared  a  lot  together.                                     you  to  know  that you  are  someone.
           You are a wonderful person and don't                                        There are some th1ngs I know we will
           let anyone tell  you  different.  Angie,                                    forget  as  we  get  older,  but  I  can
           we have laughed and cried together,                                         promise   you    I   will   Never
           which  is  something  I  would  never                                       forget.. .. "chocolate covered cherries",
           have    dreamed     would    have                                           the S&S bathroom, and of course the
           happened  between  us.    I  can't                                          many  nights  staying  awake  and
           imagine my life without you in it.  The                                     discussing  our  so-called  "problems"
           one thing I truly hope for our future is                                    In  lifel  I can  also promise you  I will
           that  we  never  stop  enjoying  each                                       not  be  the  one  to  just  let you  walk
           others company.  I love you so much                                         away and never see  you  again  and
           and hope all the best in the world for                                      have to  look for you  on  the  Internet
           you  Good luck sis!  You  know  I'm                                         because we  have lost contact.  I will
           here  for  you  and  so  is  God  if  and                                   always  be  here,  even  If you  think  I
                                                                                       wouldn't understand.  Just remember
           when you  need Us.                                                          God loves you /'ust as much as I do.
                   I love you,                                                                      love you,
                  Aliaa Dorman
                                                                                                     An  e

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