Page 367 - chs-2001
P. 367
Nicole Mobley
NICole( Cody),
On Febuary 17th, 1983 c were handed a
small bundle Our eyes ftllcd up wtth te.ars of JOY and
we thanked God for th1s wonderful g1ft----YOUI Now
as a new JOUrM.y 1n your l1fc bcgtns we loo at you and
our eyes still f1ll w1th e.ars of JOY and c w1ll a ways
thank God for you You have brought so much pure
happ1M.SS 1nto our lives You have bev1 one of Hts true
b ess1ngs to us Always put God f1rst. Cody, and
everything w1ll fall1nto ploce We pray that you wtll
always • up the fa1th" as you have all your ltfe We
arc so proud of you and our w1sh for you always is JOY,
peace, contentment, and love. Danny and Kr1ssy ans
the~r fart\lhes send you congratoolttons wt h much love
W1th all of our love and prayers,
Momma and Daddy
I wanted to start by thanking
you for everything you've done for me.
I knew there was something special
about you the first time I sow you,
and he first time you told me that
you loved me I knew that you wue the
perfect love I'd been looking for and
could not live without. Baby I con
honestly soy that you are the best
th1ng 1n my life. I promise o always
do my best to make you happy and keep
a life devoted to you. My love will
always be yours and yours alone. I love
you baby.
NICOle Mobley 363