Page 366 - chs-2001
P. 366
Cearie and Angie
I be ieve that th s year we have come t e
farthest two best fnends could come. We have been
together II e bpeanut-butter and jelly" since the 9th
grade. You have always been there to put an effort into
everything you do. You are a very determ1ned person
and a VERY stubborn person. But, I still love you li e
the sister you have been to me. I w1ll NEVER forget our
h gh schoo years we spent toge her. Whenever we go
i o he fu ure after high school and for some hornble
reason we depart from each other, ~ remember
am going to m.i
this scripture, Psalms 37:4- "Delight thyself in the Lord;
way and folio
and He shall gtve you the des1res of your heart"!
prayer ....
Wherever you happen to go remember, to put God first
n your wa through life and He will lw provide.
B.F.F.E.A.B. Love you bunchc ,
Angie- Mae Ceane
362 Cearie and Angie