Page 120 - chs-2002
P. 120

ean Adam  , Math
                                          Frank Albury, D  T
                        Judith  yer  , Family  cience  & Life  kill
                                 helly Bai  den, Paraprofe  ional

                                        Martha Baker, Engl i  h
                                      Carol Barnett, Child  are
                                 Cheryl Bender, Food Production
                                          andra Bi  hop, Math

                                       Bill  Brabart, Vocational
                                            John Brown, E  E
                                      hari  e Buzzella,  pani  h
                                         Ken Campbell, Math

                                       Alex Car well, A  i  tant
                                      Colvin Carter, Journali  m
                                    Joann Chamberlin, Principal
                                           Sharon Coat  , P.E.

                                     Facult  su      orts

                          Patriotic Spirit

               The Faculty skit,   The faculty and  taff of CH  provided a terrific
             famou  for humor
                              repre  entation  of  the  American  Dream  for
              and wild dancing,
                              tudent  and  taff at the Homecoming Pep Rally.
                 took a decided
              patriotic flavor as   Each member of the skit felt that they could make
               faculty and staff  a Ia  ting imp res  ion on the audience by tapping in
              promoted the love
                              to the Patriotic  pirit  hown by the CH  family   Right:  Holding the
              and support of the
                              after the tragic events of the World Trade Center   Flame of Freedom
              USA for tho  e lost
              and  urvivbrg the   attack  in  ew York and the Pentagon attack in   high, Statue of
                                                                        Liberty lady, M  .
              terrible tragedy of  Wa  hington, D.  . on  eptember II, 200 I. Many
                                                                    Linda Mo  e  ,  trike  a
              SEPTEMBER  1.   in the audience were moved to tear  a  heroes and
                                                                      patriotic po  e a  he
                              symbol  were portrayed.  Many people felt thi   ignal  for a  how of
                              was the be  t  Faculty Skit ever and there was a   pirit and  upport for
                                                                      the American Dream
                              huge applau  e for everyone who had worked  o
                                                                      of Life, Liberty, and
                              hard to provide a touching di  play of patrioti  m
                                                                           the Pur  uit of
                              for the  chool.                                Happine  .
           116  Faculty and Staff
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