Page 123 - chs-2002
P. 123
indy hank , tudent are
helli houp, Math
Jan ilver tein, cience
Mona immon , Clerk Typi t
orma mith, ecretary
Marilyn Smithy, Engli h
Deborah pencer, Bu ine
Eugenia Stewart, tudent are
u an Summer , E E
Kim weat, Math
u an Walker, ur e
Bobie Wat on, Engli h
onja We tberry, Paraprofe ional
Todd Widergren, A i tant Principal
C.C. Wil on, tudent are Attendant
Carol Wise, French
John Wood, ROTC
Debra Wright, cience, Dance,
tudent Activities Director
Left: The field of electronic i wide open for
student . Mr. te e onnan a ·si ts Richard
Johnson and tephen Young\\. ith thier project.
Facu1ty and taff 119