Page 124 - chs-2002
P. 124
The Team Approach Works ........ .
CHS Faculty and Staff are committed to
everyday victories
Above: Making sure that all tudents get the correct
classes and meet all of the requirement for graduation
is a tough job. Mrs. Gail Crowder checks over some
data before headmg over to the Guidance Department.
Mrs. Crowder 1 the A sistant Principal m charge of
Above R1ght: The Homecoming Pep Rally 1 the
perfect place for student to find out somethmg they
didn't know about the faculty. Mr . Chan e Buzella
and Mrs. Carol Wi c arc both accompli hed dancer
and take dance le sons when they are not busy with
school work.
Above Far R1ght: Field Day is so much fun for
everyone. tudcnts love the competition and teachers THIS IS r TO HAVE FU T
love the chance to get some fre h air and sunshine 110 A' National Competition got plenty of publicity from Mrs. Jane lloiiiday, Chapter
while watching students enjoy themselves. Advisor, as she took a stroll around the gym with the Tiger Mascot.
Gettmg everything lined up for graduation and all the enior activites takes a lot of time
and dedication. Mrs. Ann Foster, one of the em or sponsors, gets considerable support
from administrator hke Mr. Todd Widergren
120 Faculty