Page 213 - chs-2002
P. 213


                  A STEP  ABOVE THE  REST

                                                                                Left:  Mr.  Mont'  AP Government Cia  : (L-R)
                                                                                Tami  Lapham,  Heather  Lee,  Ca  andra  Jone  ,
                                                                                Gordon  Elli  ,  Lacey  tark,  Mr.  Mont,  aron
                                                                                Wolff,  u an  awyer,  Rima  Patel,  olt Green,
                                                                                 tephen  Ra  ell,  tacey Patter on, Kri  tin Elton
                                                                                &  arah Leighty.

                                                                                Middle Left: Mr  . Burnette and her  tudent  , Je  -
                                                                                ica  Ander  on,  Anna  Chri  ten  on,  Peter Will-
                                                                                iam  &  Michelle  Perkin  enjoy  being  able  to
                                                                                work clo  ely with one on one attention.

                                                                                  AP Classes Offered at CHS

                                                                                   Engli  h Language and Compo  ition
                                                                                              Ms.  Ellis
                                                                                   Engli  h Literature and Compo  ition
                                                                                            Ms.  Burnette
                                                                                            Calculu  AB
                                                                                            Mr.  Campbell
                                                                                              Ms.  Mac
                                                                                              tudio Art
                                                                                             Ms.  Naiman
                                                                                          European History
                                                                                             Mr.  Conner
                                                                                         United  tate  HistOJJ
                                                                                              Mr.  Mont
                                                                                       United  tate  Government
                                                                                             Ms.  Lynch
                                                                                             Ms.  Popel/

                                                                               Left:  Mr.  Campbell  lecture  hi  cia  on  the
                                                                               ends and out  of  alculu  . "Could you repeat
                                                                               Below:  One  of M r  Poppell'  top  tudent
                                                                               Courtney Da  i , i  etting her  ight  on  higher
                                                                               thing  to prepare for the upcoming exam.

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