Page 214 - chs-2002
P. 214
BeiO\\: Dunng the tour of Harbor Bran
One Fish, Two Fish, paid close attention to cultivating hrimp in captt\ ty
qUJculture Lab, Justin Ha\ ird and Megan Bt h
Red Fish, Blue Fish
fter che kmg in at 2:30, we had the opportu-
mty to take m a practice e · ton under the condi-
tiOn of the competition. v e then took a tour of
the facilitie . Harbor Branch ha three different
re earch \e el that we got a glance of, but we
were luck) enough to ee their three ubmer ible
right up clo e.
The comp tltion tarted at 9:00 on aturda,
Morning. We only parttcipated in fi\e round ,
but thi wa our fir t time in attendance.
E\en though we didn't \\In, 0 B v .. a a won-
d rful expenen e for all ofu . We were gt\en the
opp rtunit) to ee Manne ctence a a career
Duren, Ju tm optiOn, a well a challenge our ehe to u e the
D nna I h. knO\\ ledge that we gain m Mr. Joye' cia .
the) p · on the
Right: Th five hour drive r all) took it out of
1egan Bi hop.\\ ho couldn't keep her e)e open
for a group ptcture b) on of Harb r Bran h'
ubm ibl , the John on- a-Link I.
212 ·o B