Page 218 - chs-2002
P. 218

A "Wise" Choice ...

             Carol Wise is CHS

            Teacher of the Year

               II  the hard " ork and dedication   ing her guitar for the  HR   hri  t-
            of Mr .  arol  Wi  e,  H  French   ma  party.  "  he  i  an  all  around
            teacher, wa  recognized by the fac-  excellent teacher and de  erve  thi
            ulty  when  he  wa  cho  en  a   honor,"  tated one of her co-work-
            TeacheroftheYear. Mr. Wi  eha   er  .
                                  chool   Mr  .  Wi  e  is  an avid  Gator fan
            improvement  a        ought   thank  to her daughter Jeanine and
            better  way  to  in  titute  plan  to   di  play  her  enthu  ia  m  at  the
            make CH  an A  chool.        wamp and in her cia  room.
             Mr  . Wi  e alway  lent her exper-
            ti  e to  chool e  ent  including play
                                        Right: A frequent contributor to musical pro-
                                        grams at  chool, Mrs.  Wi  e and  Mrs.  Carol
                                        Barnett  play  dueling  gu1tars  for  the  HR
                                         hnstmas program for needy children.

             Above: A graduate of the University ofllhnois at Chicago, Mrs. Wise is now  pending many
             hours completing the requirements to become a nationally certified teacher. This requires many
             additional hours of work and challenges.  Mrs. Wise has no trouble meeting the demands of this
             pre  tigiou  honor

                                         Right: Mrs.  W1  e's enthusia  m for the arts
                                         i  always evident at the Faculty  kit
                                         during Homecoming.

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