Page 143 - chs-2003
P. 143
Putting it all together ...
Before we break 'em
down ...... .
It was an awesome season
The olumbia High Tiger's 2002 football team was one of the most competitive teams
that e"er came through Columbia. The Tiger haven't been ranked number one m the tate
smcc 1997 The team 1tselfhad one maJor nemesis the Lincoln High Trojans. The Tiger
suffered one loss to the Trojans in the middle of the season and then another in the playoff
game ending the football cason with an II- 2 record. Lincoln High wa a tough
competitor because they beat us in the pa t 3 seasons. Although we didn't go to the
semifinal it ""as a very memorable year
-Vince Anderson #9
Columbia I hgh chool's 2002 football team IS one of the best m years. We work hard on
and off the field and we continue to get better as the year progresses. We're ranked # I
in the state and will try to stay there. We are very lucky to have the coaches that we have!
They work just as hard as the players and without them we wouldn't be where we are now.
The players that are on the team now have been together for almost five years and we have
had a successful season every year. Cll 1s also lucky to have the fans that we do! We
always have fans at the away games and know that they really care about us and support
us! It makes us feel good to know we have the whole town behind us, win or lo e.
--------------- -Dustm Kmg # II
Left: Head Coach Danny Green stops prac-
tice to discuss some plays and strategies with
his team. Coach Green has the game plans
that put CHS in the top ranks statewide. The
Tigers had big writeups in the Gaine.n·ilfe
Stm and the Florida Times Union acknowl-
edging their powerful presence in the football
arenas of orth Florida.
Left: Jumor Keith pradlcy examine., the
pia) ing field and look., for key pla)crs on the
opposing team. Checking out this year\
oppositon will make it easier to read the pia)'
next year.
139, Varsity Football