Page 147 - chs-2003
P. 147
The Girls Varsity Basketball Team
continues to improve every year.
They started the season with one
freshman and the others were
returning players. They were led by
two seniors Ashley Croft and Erica
Mayo. They played twenty one
games and ended their season with
a disappointing record. The juniors
are excited and are waiting for next
years season to take off and show-
case their abilities to the max ..
By: Cheryl Robinson #3
Left: Shaniea Wright shows good defen-
sive skills as she attempts to block a pass.
Nakila Scippio provides good back up.
Above Front Row Left to Right: Shawn
Dorsey, Nakila Scippio, Erica Mayo,
Candace Williams, Cheryl Robinson,
Tiffany Fleming, and Head Coach C.C.
Wilson. Back Row: K.C. Cook, Ashley
Croft, Vanessa Collins, Che Perry, Tylissa
Coleman, and Shaniea Wright.
Left: Erica Mayo and A hley Croft meet and
decide what side to pick during the coin to.
Coah Wil on keeps a clo e eye on the clock.
Girl Var. it Ba. l,etball, 143