Page 210 - chs-2003
P. 210
Here at CHS, there are
many opportunities to win money
for college, and you don't have to
be a senior! The Career Center,
located across from the gym, is
loaded with applications to help
you. Mrs. Forster and Mrs.
Olmstead are there all day to cater
to your every college need. They've
got everything, from college
pamphlets to their annual
scholarship booklet, filled with tons
of local and tatewide scholarships.
If you 've ever thought thal
doing your homework would never
amount to anything, think again!
Getting good grades, high ACT or
SAT scores, and maybe a little
community service is a small price
to pay for the benefits headed your
way when you work hard. Colleg ABOVE: Mr. Willie Merrill proudly pre ented Hillary Lee, John Sheehan, and
is getting more and more Colt Green with their awards for the "Voice of Democracy" contest. Mr. Mont
add hi congratulation to the outstanding trio.
expen ive, and being awarded a
scholarship can be your best bet to
reaching your dreams. So work
hard, stay focused, and make a trip
to the Career Center to start
planning your future!
- Amanda Brundage
Other out tanding tudents were Rebah
olomon who wa cho en for the pre ti-
giou HOBY award and the new Boy'
and Girl' tate winner : Katelyn Crow,
Fadriena Jean, Aaron Wolff, Sam
Bicker taff, Tamar Jernigan, Dalla Sapp,
ABOVE: ational Merit commended student Luc Iloule and unshine tate
and Colt Green. Tamar Jernigan took top
District Scholar Kelly Rosenfield take a break from Mr. Campbell's AP Calculus
honor a the Clay Electric Youth Win- class to pose for the camera.
206, Scholarships