Page 208 - chs-2003
P. 208
It's A Fami\1 Thangl
Fami\1 is so important! Whtn 1ou nud a p\ac.t to
sta1. Whtrt do 1ou go? Whtn 1ou'rt strtt>std out, \llhom
do 1ou \tan on? Whtn 1ou ac.hitvt an'(thing. \llho c.t\tbratts
\llith 1ou? Thtrt is a simp\t an&\lltr to a\\ thost qutstions,
Fami\1! No matttr \llhat gots on in 1our lift, or \llho
in and out a\ong tht "'a1, 1our fami\1 \IIi\\ a\\lla1s bt thtrt.
Thtrt's nothing \i\(t having fami\1 at sc.hoo\ \llith 1ou.
It's \i\(t having 1our o\lln bod1guard on c.a\\, or a\\lla1s having
at lust ont ptrson to sit \llith at \unc.h. Having some.ont
thtrt to \lla\\( bui® 1ou ma\(u, high sc.hoo\ a \itt\~ \tss t>Gal"'f
and a \itt\t more fun. It forc.e.s 1ou to mut mort ptop\t than
1ou \llou\d othtr\llif>t. Our fami\f, difftrtntts attrac.t a
\llho\t nt\11 \llor\d of pe.op\t and opportunititf>.
As 1ou su, thtrt art ma01 advantagts to
having fami\1 around 1ou. '5o, tmbrac.t a\\ 1our fami\1 has
to offtr, 1ou1\ ntvtr \(no\11 \llhtn 1ou'\\ bt ab\t to uu it.
Above: Nicole and Davie Terrell can always count on each
other for a loving embrace
Above: Jennifer Roberts makes sure to keep her brother
Justin and Chris out of trouble.
Abo e: John Spahal ki is always there when hi little sister
I leather need a lift!