Page 234 - chs-2003
P. 234
Interact is affiliated with Rotary
International. It is a service club.
Heather Lee and Dallas Sapp are
co-presidents. Students are in-
vited into membership based on
community involvement, scholas-
tic ability, citizenship, and the
desire to help others. Projects
include singing to Veteran's
Domiciliary and nursing homes at
Christmas, distributing Angel gifts,
establishing the Care Bear pro-
gram where bears are named for
special volunteers and then dis-
tributed by the members to hospi-
talized children where they visit
and read to them.
Right: OU',tin King and Tyler app shop for the HRS
Christmas Pany. A ba ketball is just want their k1d wanted.
Above: Heather Lee panicipates in a club activity when
visiting the nursing home. The elderly enjoy listening to
her beautiful voice.
Right: Tiffany Collins represents her club at the HR
Chmtmas Pany. Tiffany works with children so well she
might be mistaken for a true Chmtmas Angel!
230, Interact