Page 237 - chs-2003
P. 237


                                                                               Left:  weetheart'>  Danielle  Harden  and  hawna  Lumpkin
                                                                               ride in '>Lyle in  the homecoming parade.
                                                                               OCT, Diversified Career Technology, is
                                                                               a program of students who work in the
                                                                               local community. As a club, we are
                                                                               challenged by both our on campus
                                                                               classes and boss/supervisor on the job.
                                                                               In class, we work and receive grades
                                                                               for our efforts. At the business where
                                                                               we are employed, we receive a pay
                                                                               check and promotions for out efforts.

                                                                               As a club, OCT students form an alli-
                                                                               ance through or school organizations to
                                                                               accomplish many worthwhile projects
                                                                               and participate in many year long
                                                                               events for our school, charity, and
                                                                               social promotion.

                                                                               In  OCT, we hold meetings every month
                                                                               to discuss what activities to participate
                                                                               in. We participated in all of the events
                                                                               for Homecoming week, the Dream
                                                                               Machine, and Red  Ribbon Week. We
                                                                               do our best to participate in as much as
                                                                               we can. OCT is classroom instruction
                                                                               as well as on the job training. We get
                                                                               credits for working as well as getting
                                                                               paid. We do class activities and outside
                                                                               class activities. OCT gives you the
                                                                               opportunity to learn, participate, and
                                                                               earn money.
                                                                                             -Danielle Harden

                                                                                Left: Martel  Goodbread, Frank  Albury.  Elizabeth  Hoffman
                                                                                (President),  herri  andage  (vice-pre. idem).  and  Amber

                                                                                Left:Martel  Goodbread,  Mr.  Frank  Albury,  pno  or,
                                                                                Elizabeth  Hoffman(president),  herri  andage(vice-
                                                                                president),  Amber  Alexander,  Jenna  teichen.  hane
                                                                                Lang, Mr. Jun Rutledge.  ponsor
                                                                                2nd:  Tempre'>t  prings. Rachel Bol,er.  ha\\ona Lumpkin,
                                                                                Crystal  Davi .. Brittany  Reddid..  mber  Huggm'>.  Ray
                                                                                Lee, Kra1g  Kennington, Mike Myle'>.
                                                                                Top: Jeremy  Lashley,  Micky  Johnson.  Ronnie  orris.
                                                                                Blanton  Lord,  Tracy  Polhill,  Lynsey  Lee.  Amy  Hizer.
                                                                                 ean Vasquez.  athon Williams, and V illiam Talmadge.

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