Page 249 - chs-2003
P. 249

Key Club

                                                                                 Thi  has been an exciting year for Key
                                                                                  lub. La  t year wa  our charer year,
                                                                                 and  ince then, our member hip ha
                                                                                 doubled.  ot only have we been active
                                                                                 within the  chool, but the community a
                                                                                 well. Key Club has helped out with
                                                                                 Unicef for iodine-deficient children. The
                                                                                 Thank giving Baskets were a big
                                                                                  ucce  . We fir  t raised money through
                                                                                 a car wash and asked the  tudent body
                                                                                 to donate cans de  ignated for their
                                                                                 favorite team  , Florida or Florida  tate.
                                                                                 We were then able to provide 32 ba  kets
                                                                                 for needy familie  (thank  to the help of
                                                                                  pani  h Club and Leader hip). At the
                                                                                 HR  Chri tmas Party, we adopted one 5
                                                                                 year old boy in hope  of making hi
                                                                                  hri  tma  better. A  the year  go by,
                                                                                 Key Club will continue to grow in  ize,
                                                                                 and al  o keep helping out within the
                                                                                  chool and community.  Mrs.  arol
                                                                                 Wi  e i  the  ponsor of thi  hardworking
      Left: Front row, Committee Chairman, Jessica Morgan, Vice President, Holly Bruner, President, Amy
      Hizer, Editor and Chief, Mike Smith,  ponsor, Ms. Carol Wise. Second row, Hannah Wheeler, Leslie
      Zambrana,  tacy  Harrison,  Kacy  Riley,  Jessica Thomas.  Thi rd  row,  Luc  Houle,  Jurek  Polmerski,
      Shauna  0' steen,  Brittany  Speakman,  Lauren  Regi ter.  Fourth  row,  Kristen  Mihl,  Kristi n  tock,
      Michael Brewer, Ja<,on  Rosenfeld.

                                                                                 boH:  m)  Hizer and  cott Outla" represent their
                                                                                club a  '" eetheart and Heartthrob of Ke)  club.
       Len: Hcanthrob,  colt Outlaw and  wccthean. Amy Hizer ride through the Homecoming parade m the back of a truck.

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