Page 245 - chs-2003
P. 245

HOSA  Loves Helping Others

                                          HOSA-Health Occupation  tudents of  me rica is a student organization consisting of members
                                          intere\ted in the medicallield,  om  of the members want to become physicians, dcnti  t, nur e ,
                                          physical therapists, and many other areas.
                                          HOSA participates in  many community and school activities. We participate in the Walk for Diabetes,
                                          help ruise money for the cancer  ociety and assist'" ith the Relay for Life, evaluate elementary  tudents
                                          in vision, hearing, height, and weight.  Help with the HRS Christmas Party, visit nursing home  , and
                                          sing carols.  everal students taught nutrition at the middle school.  Teen  ummit.  tudents teach
                                          about osteoporosis 2nd graders through out the county.

                                          HO '  is a very acthe organization. In October we held the Fall Conference which wa  attended by 9
                                          high  chool  in the surrounding ar  a.  Regional Officers were elected at thi  meeting.  January 18,
                                          2003 CHS hosted the Spring Conference.  During this conference 24 events '\\ere run and the  tudents
                                          placing 1st, 2nd, or 3rd qualified to attend  tate Leader  hip Conference in Jacksomille in  pril.
                                           tudents placing lst, 2nd, or 3rd at the State Conference will have the opportunity to attend • ational
                                          HOS   'onfercnce in  tlanta in June.
                                          HOSA is a lot of fun.  During these conferences  tudcnts have the opportunity to meet  tudents from
                                          others schools and learn about their activities. Mrs. Jane Holliday is the sponsor.

                                          Left: The 2002 Hosa  weetheart and Heartthrob are Amanda   Below:  "Does  anyone  want  a  sub'?'  ask\  HO  A  member
                                          Paschall and R1cky  Brock             Candace Berry.  HO  A had a booth at the Field Day during
                                                                                Homecommg 2002.

                                                                                            Abo'e Lei!:  HO  A  ludenh:  I  I Ro\\-.  K)IC
                                                                                            Gmham.acll\ nics  cha~r.  R1c  )  Brock.  \  1ce
                                                                                            President.  D)anna  . lo  n.  Pre  ideo!.  . lelame
                                                                                            pcnccr.  H~>tonan.   heena  Fields.   hsha
                                                                                            Fudge. and Clamtm Kche) . ~nd Ro,.,:Charle;
                                                                                            Tannach10n.  \manda  BelT).  Hale)  Dockery.
                                                                                            Brooke  Creel.  Treasurer.  Joanna  Watson.
                                                                                            JesSJca  K1rll\ .  Bmnd\  leeks.  nd  Candace
                                                               ~e;1~~~~~~~·~;~·'?rf~~~~;f~~~~ BelT). Sccre;aJ) . ~rd R.o":  ·\ruanda Pa  hall.
                                                                                            Undsc)  Bo" les.  'icole  Poole.  \\ hllney
                                                                                            Due ken.  Und;ey  La" renee. Ca;ey  no" den.
                                                                             ~.t-.'t:! i"'lr•~<:I;;('IJ./ .. ·;.:, .• -.. Brntanv  Tucker,  and  \ndrea  Bell  4th  Ro"'
                                                                                            Dornc ··lo;m, Chmune Pelt) . Amanda Cobb.
                                                                                            Amanda Parnsh. Cm1g Brock. Amanda Baker.
                                                                                            Mch".1 W1llenbcrg. ,md  '\  hie) Cun"

                                          Left.  Dyanna  loan  and  Je.,  1ca  K1rby  donate  food  for  the   Left  bove:  The HO   tudent  look  \ery  profe  ional  in
                                          Thanksgl\ mg ba.,kel\.  HO   teaches student  to be helpful   th  1r matching scrub'  This ''their fiN day of onentation at
                                          and generous.                         the  Lake City Veteran  Ho'>pital.

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