Page 133 - chs-2004
P. 133
Mr:,. weat, Ms. Baker, and Mrs. cdlec1k guard
Just \\ho are these tacky pcoplc' 1 Uh Oh! Its some of the best dressed teacher:, of the Mrs. Khachigan and Mr>. Greene find a
school! Mrs. Carter, 'v1rs. Oden, Mrs. Spencer, Mrs. Crews, Mrs. Hines, Mrs. J. Rmg, Mrs. lot in common with other "tacky people" the back door of the gym in ca e anyone
participating in the faculty kit tne to make a
Wnght, and 'v1rs. Cox hope Mrs. \V1se and Mrs. llunt \\Ill be able to stand up m their fancy out at the portables.
hoes. The faculty goes all out for the Homecoming activities but these ladies are taking it
over the top!
ancy Gill, Gu1dance
Pam Green, Vocational
Traci Green, English
Meg Haley, E E
Pegg1e Hamilton, Computer Operator
Dale Hermann, ocial tud1es
Jon Hernandez, H1story
Kathy Herschleb, English
Candace Hines, rt
Jane Holliday, Health Occupations
hn Jones, c1ence
Larry Joye, cience
Charleen Kelley. c1ence
Ke1th K1rby, gnculturc
Dottie Kmght, Testing Coordinator
Roger Lizotte, Criminal Justice
arol Maron, Math
Grattan McGroarty, JROT
Gloria Mcintosh, cience
tepha111e Mead r, Teacher 1de
Kathy Menendez, cience
Katherine Mills, tudent Aide
Frank 1oore, Assistant Pnncipal
Lmda Mose , Busmess
Makcba Murphy, English, computer
Wilham Murphy. Math
Conme 1\a1man. rt
L\1 cl. on, Math
Tnshcka 1\elson. \1ath
Vick1 Oden, H1stOI)
Reatha Page, I
Frank Phllhps. H1 tory
arol Quillen, English
Jenn1 fer Rmg, l.:.nghsh
ancy Rmg, English
Facult). 129