Page 135 - chs-2004
P. 135
Challenges and
Opportunities are
freely given at
bo,e· Ah m Bradley. Freddy Pugh. helton Koon. Matt Lar~on.
Temez Ruise, Trc\or pradley arc some ofi'v1r~. Jenmfer Rmg's best
Left. Mr Larry Joye pro, ides many opportunttles for learning in
hts Manne ctence cia es. Creating a fascinating em tronment m
the classroom pro\ ide, extra incenti\C for tudcnts to find out all
they can about marine life.
bO\e: Ms. Cotton let> her hatr dO\\n at the
Homecoming pep rally. \h. Cotton \\as one of
harlie's Angels m the faculty skit.
d\ isory commJttce chaired by \1r>.
Carol \'vise meets regularly to prO\ ide dtrccuon for the
school community (LtoR): Mrs. Odcn, Mr~. edlacck.
Mr. Adams. Mrs. J Rmg, Mr. \'vtlhams, Mrs. Martm.
Mrs. Bu7ella. '1.1r Rogers. Mr. Rogers, Mrs. Green. '1.1rs
1\.achigan, Mr .. '1.1cncdc.r. Mrs. Co\. Dr Phillips. and
Mr.. \\tse.
Facult). 131