Page 150 - chs-2004
P. 150

Heading  up  a                                                 Bdo\~ :  Justm  Goss  takes  h1s  free  kick  after  a p
                                                                                       called  on  the  opposing  team.

                   Whole  ew Game

                 notheryear ha  gone by, and the characters of the  e Tigers have become more
                urreal thane  er. Each player ha  dealt with the lo  of a clo  e friend and
               teammate, and made thi  year a year that would have made Brad Hunter proud.
               Each player  et hi  eye  on the prize and did not  top until the prize wa  in hi
               hand  ... orathi  feet.  Thi  unforgettableyearwa  madeevenmoreprofound
               when Coach Dale Hermann  tepped into  ight.  oach Hermann brought a whole
               new  tyle and per pective to the team, which might have been the winning
               ingredient. He made each player thankful for allthe  we at and tear  by
               encouraging th  m and helping them pre  through the harde  t oftrial  . The Tiger
               have overcome  orne huge ob  tacle  , and now have  aid good-bye to a  ea on
               that can be ex pre  ed in one,  ingle word ... change.
                                                             -Brandi Robert

            Above:  Jacob  John. on  gains  power and  speed  as  he  run
            down  the  field  to  throw  the  ball  back  into  play.

            Right:  W1th  Brad  lluntcr's  band  in  \ 1cw,  Jacob  Johnson
            takes  on  h1s  opponent  remembering all  the  ball  techniques
            h1s  coa  h  kept  dnlhng  mto  his  head  at  practice.

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