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2003-2004 Boys Varsity Basketball

                 ... New Basketball season, New District and New Head Coach

          Above: The team huddles up to get a few
          last minute instructions.

                                               Left  to  Right  sitting:  Joey  Edge,  Nick  Walters, Kendric  Williams,  Byron  Shemwell, Alvin
          First year head  coach Trey          Bradley and Rashaun Jones. Left to Right standing: Asst. Coach John Brown, Asst. Coach
                                               Stephen Smitty, Teddy Tomlin, Antwan Julks, Bryant Crews, Aaron Murphy, Armand Thorbs
          Hosford  led the Tigers to a  and Head Coach Trey Hosford.
          great season. This is Coach
          Hosford's fourth year in the
          program.  He  spent his first
          three as head coach of J.V.                                   Left: First year                   Left:   Second
          There  was  never a day off                                   Captain Junior                     year captain Se-
          with Coach Hosford, he be-                                    Kendric  Will-                     nior   Bryant
                                                                        iams  shows                        Crews  helped
          lieves  practice  makes  per-                                 his   "Triple                      make the team a
          fect. The  varsity  basketball                                Threat"  posi-                     success   th1s
                                                                       tion.                               year.
          team had great fan support
          the  whole  year. The Tigers
          faced  with  it's toughest op-
          ponent  of  the  year,  Forest
          High  School, had  the  gym
          packed full. Coach  Hosford
          and the athletic department
          decided to  let the  students                                                         Left: Freshmen  phenom
          in  for  only one  dollar.  CHS                                                       Byron  Shemwell  likes to
                                                                                                hang  out  with  Seniors
          started  the  year  12-4,  but                                                        Joey  Edge  and  Bryant
                              lost it's next                                                    Crews  before  th e  big
                             two  games,
                              both to  rival
                              Forest  High
                                                          FINAL RECORD: 14-12

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