Page 145 - chs-2004
P. 145
Lett. The senior~ always seem to find
themsehcs huddled together at the
back of the bus, they are \CI) \~ell
a\~ are of senior pnde!
Travis Russell I
Trans began his enior year\\ llh a record of 4-1, and
blasted his way to the top of the rotat1on. He IS a first-
relief pitcher, with a champion-minded game to match
hi talent. If his baseball talent is any indication ofhts
future, we better look out!
, _______________ /
Left cmor, Garren \~Cat .Irides to fiN base to beat the thro\~ from the Rtdge\ te\~ infielder. The
Tiger go on to defeat Ridge\ ie\~ 2-1
Tiger Schedule I
Name of team
Lafayette Away
Madison Away
Baker Home
Paxon Home
Forrest Away
Ridgeview Home
Ridgeview Away
Middleburg Home
Buchholz Away
Cook High Home
Lee Away
Live Oak Home
Fleming Island Away
Lt'On Away
Front: (L-R) Travi Ru ell, Aaron Jenkin , Matt Turner, Garrett weat, tefan a h. Back:
Middleburg Away
tephen Ra el, Aaron Wol tf, Chri, oleman.
Forrest Home
Paxon Away
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