Page 157 - chs-2004
P. 157


                                                                                 David Corrao and Dwayne Bedenbaugh
                                                                                 both went to the  tate competition in
                                                                                 Tampa, FL. David won 4th place at
                                                                                  tate and Dwayne did an excellent  job
                                                                                 a  well.

                                                                                 Award  went to  veral member  of the
                                                                                 Mo  tOut tanding Wre  tlerwa  David
                                                                                 Corrao. Jame  andage, Thoma  Pruitt
                                                                                 John  pahal  ki and Da  id Corrao
                                                                                 recieved Team  aptain award  . Matt
                                                                                 Bohannon and Daniel Brown were
                                                                                 named Mo  t Improved, and the
                                                                                 Coaches Award went to Caleb Allen
                                                                                 and Bryan Huggin  .

           bove:  0\\aync Bedenbaugh throws his opponent on  his back.  The only two things on  his
          mmd 1s \\ innmg and  he quotes "Get 1t hO\\  you can".

                                                                                        bove:  Greg Poole work  very hard
                                                                                       to win, as he  beats hi  opponent from

           bO\ c:  Dav 1d Corrao pat1entl  holds dO\\ n his competitor\\ aiting for the referee to biO\\
         th.: \\hi ·tic and announce him the\\ inner.
                                                                                           bove:  ophomore Bryan
                                                                                          Huggin  win  hi  match
                                                                                          again  t Buchholz.

                                                                                                Varsity Wr  tling, 153
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