Page 158 - chs-2004
P. 158

Swinging To New Heights!                                                    enior  had Brinkley  pends tun

                                                                                      alone to prepare for the big gam~.
            Boy's Golfer's are  master's of  the greens

                  The Boy  Golf  Team made big  tride  in  increasing their
           wm  and  perfecting  their  game.  An  11-9  r  cord  wa  full  of
           impre  i  e victorie  , both individually and a  a team. Ju  tin Ford
           wa  the t  am  top  corer. Ford plan  to return next year for an  ven
            tronger  ea  on  a  a  enior.  Coach  Steve  Smithy  mentored  hi

           team with  di  cipline and inten  ity.  He look  forward to  th  '04
            ea on when the Tiger  pre  ence will be even more impre  ive. A
           good year... a good team  ... Look out Tiger Wood  . There are  orne
           tough Tiger  making big tracks.

          Above: The 2003-2004 Boy'  GolfTeam. Bottom
          Left to Right: Ryan Gam bel,  teven Jeffer  , Kyle
          Hunter, Ronald Bo  ton Cody Hud  on. Top Left
          to Right:  oach  mithy, Hou  ton Whitehead,
          Barrett Me  affrey,  had Brinkley and Ju  tin
          Right :  Watch  out  Tiger
          Wood  . Chad Brinkley ended
          his  enioryearplayinga  port
          he love  .

          Far Right:  ophomore, Hou  ton
          Whitehead ended the year with a
          40.8 average. With a little practice
          who know  what will happen next

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