Page 170 - chs-2004
P. 170

Varsity Volleyball .
                                                                                          cttcr, Sarah Duren gracefully passe.  the  b  II
                                                                                    pass  sch  up  the  play  for  a  kill  and  a  pomt  lilr  ( olum
          Giving Their All

          The 2003-2004 Lady Tiger  olleyball Team wa  full ofnev. people, place  , and game
          There" a  a ne"  di  trict for the team, a  well a  a nev ..  coach (Ms.  harlie Thomas).
          te  ting the team  ' unity and performance.  It wa  a time for new beginning  . When the
          Lady Tiger  walked  into the  gym  for  the  fir  t time thi   eason,  they  had  only three
          returning  enior  and a team made up ofmo  tly new people.  For the girl ·, this  ·cason
          wa  full  of challenge  .  They  tarted  the  sea  on  out  playing again  t  the  infamous
           uwannee Bulldog  , and the Lady Tiger  won.  Although, the team faced a challenge
          when they played again  t Middleburg, who came prepared, playing with excellent skill
          and ability.  The  ea  on had it  up  and down  for the Lady Tigers, however, the girls
          tuck through it all and rounded out the  ea  on playing an exciting but di  appointing
          game again  t Fort White.

                                           -Tami Lapham and Renee Bate

          Above.   enior  Tami  Lapham,  Dianna  Roberts,  and
          Hanna  Turman  are  warmmg  up  for  a  game  against
          Right.  2003-2004   anty  Lady  Tiger  Volleyball  Team:
          Front  row:  Ashley  Geiger,  Tami  Lapham,  Hana  Turman,
          D1anna  Roberts,   han1ea  Wnght   Back  row:  Errin
          Deckard,  A  hley  Park,  Portia  Everett,  Jenna  Thomas,
           arah  Duren,  Marie  Croft.

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