Page 165 - chs-2004
P. 165

Right  1\.etth (  urry  runs\\ tth h" mmd                    Le!i:  Graham Good  on ha.  a ~mile on
                              set on the goaL and hts feet taJ . .~ng htm                  hi~ face as he  finishes up the long run
                              to th.: top.                                                 that the coach has put before hun.

                                    The key to a  uccc  ful  ·p  rt  ea  on i  having fun while working hard. Thi  i  exactly what the
                              coaching  taff of the  H   ro   ountry team hoped to achieve thi  year.  Returning coach Ronnie
                               oil in  and first year coach Trevor Tyler  et out looking for fun a  well a  effort and weren't di  appointed.
                                    "It wa  great to  cc the enthu  ia  m and hard work from the team thi  year.  I look foward to an
                              even better year next year,"  aid  oach Tyler about the team.  Each team member  et per  onal record
                              in almo  t every race and all put forth the effort needed to help the team  ucceed.
                                    Th  team'  enior  included  tephenFulton,BruceRentz,and  rikaCole . Toprunnersforthe
                              boy  included Bruce Rentz and Greg Butler.  Kayla Brill came out on top for the girl  . The team placed
                               econd in a tri-county match again  t Ft. White and Cedar Key, and well in all of their other meet  .
                                     Being a runner require  motivation, dedication, and heart.  By continuou  ly  triving to make
                              them  elve  better through practice and  elf-di  cipline, each of the team member  put forth their very be  t
                              effort and had fun at the  arne time.  Thi  , in turn, led to a  ucce  ful  2003-2004 Cros  Country
                               ea  on.

                                                                                         - Hillary Lee

                                                    Cross  Country:

                               Headstrong to Take on Anyone

                                                                  AboH:  Aaron  Barb.:r and  Zachary  Ric.:  smile as  the  rest  of thctr teammates  run
                                                                  spnnts  for  1111.  bcha\ ing.  Must  be  mce  to  be  "Coaches  Pet'"
                                                                 l..:ti.  '!Ius team  ts  ''am1t:d  up  and  r.:ad:,:  to  . tmc  for  thetr  best  time~ m  the  51\..
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