Page 168 - chs-2004
P. 168

Girls' Tennis                                                 Bclo\v   \lcx1s  lltmell  keeps  the  pomh  up  \  llh

                                                                                      s\v mg  at  the  opponents  hll.
              Makin' a Racket!

          TheLadyTigerTenni  team  tarted the  ea  on off trongwithanewcoach
          and many returning player  We began practicing early and many of the
          fir  t-time player  learned the ba  ic  and began  trengthening their game.
          Thi  year the tenni  team willlo  e three  enior  ,  rin Wi  ffenbach,  arah
          Leighty, and Lacey Stark.  The  e player  have been a huge asset, but the
          team will ha  to fill in the gap for their ab  ence.  The Tiger tenni  team
          has had a great  ea on with the help of a new coach and many dedicated
          player  .
                                                         -Alexi  Howell

            hove  (L-R):  Coach  Kathenne  Terr:,..  arah  Leighty.
            lex1  Ho\vell.  Eric  W1effenbach.  Lacey  tark,  Emmie
           Gro\v,   hellc:r  Gicbeig.  'eha  Gulley.  Chn  une  1oses.
            arah  Butler
           R1ght:   s  Lric  \\ ciffcnbach  watches.  Lacey  ·lark  bach
           up  the  team  \\lth  a  swingm'  hit  onto  the  coun

           164,  irl  'Tenni
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