Page 224 - chs-2004
P. 224
Mu Alpha Theta:
It ~iroadd~x up
From RO\\ Mr. Da\\n Cox. sponsor. Cahm dam>, Rima Patel, Tyler Fltppin, RO\\ 2: arah Butler. John heehan. April oil. Betsy Rosenfeld. Leslie Zambrana. 'tephamc
Aharado, Bha\na Thakor. Kri tm E-lton. :\1crcdtth Burlage. my Rm\an. Brooke Watson Ro\\ 3: Chad 0' teen, Jamte tpp, Lacey tark, Colt Green, Aaron \\oltl.
Haley Drake. hauna 0' teen, Knstma Rodngue.r, Charlte CO\\ en, Lauren ( appelh, Row4 BJ. \Vatson, Ben Carroll , Jcsstca Morgan, Josh lla\lrd , Joshua Stmmons
. Jenn Carpenter. am Osborne, Decpak ·urcsh, Matt Yelkcn, Jesse Houle, Row 5: Brian Readout, Tiffany mith, Angela Jackson, Laqutta Griffin, Elliott Welder, Peter
Kamback, Kortney Tomlinson. tcphcn Rassell. eel Patel. Ronak hukla, Justm Goss.
Mu Alpha Theta membership is open
to bright students who enjoy completing
mathematical problems and puzzles.
During their meeting competitions are
held to see who exactly excels in math
skills. Competitions are fierce and intense
and the winners are always proud of their
accomplishments. Mrs. Cox, the sponsor,
enjoys spending time with her more
mathematically inclined students and
encouraging improved math skills.
Above: I leartthrob t ven Ra ell and weethcart
Kri ten lton
220, Mu Alpha Theta