Page 226 - chs-2004
P. 226


                                                         Never  missed  a game

              Above: Row 1 Portia Everett, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Stewart, Edgar Simmons, Tamika Smith, Brittany Griner, Alison Udell, Row 2: Clara
              Donna, Justin Rayford, Byron Shemwell, Ricky Turner, Dwayne Blunt, Jakeem Hill, Alvin Bradley.

          To all  my PEP                                                           Pep Club is the spirit filled

          Club  members,                                                           group  of  CHS  students
          I would like to                                                          that  follow  the  Fighting

          say Thank You.                                                           Tiger  Football  Team  win
          Thank You  all                                                           or  lose.        This  special

          for being such a                                                         group  of  Tiger  fans  rally
          good group of                                                            each  game  to  keep  the

          young  men  and                                                          crowd  and  players
          women.  This                                                             pumped up and ready for

          year has been                                                            play.  The Pep Club lends
          fun.  I look                                                             its  unique  character  ana

          forward to the                                                           love  for  each  other  and
          future.  To the                                                          their school to prove they

          seniors I will                                                           are  the  #1  supporters  of
          miss you  all.                                                           the Tigers.

                                  Above: Sweetheart Temika Smith and Heartthrob Tavaris
          -Mrs. Stewart           Reynolds smile for their Homecoming picture.                  - Portia Everett

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