Page 244 - chs-2004
P. 244

Qi.ili....S)a1e                                                                         ll 'J> Stall'
              Ea  h  ununer a group of guls from                                                      Colt Green, Aaron Wolff,
         every coun1y 10 Aonda travel to Tallahao;see                                            T' mar Jcm1gan, and Dallas  ·app were
         for a ,.  k of tnnchmeot and m11oducuon to                                              dcdcd from all the bo)  m the Cia
         r oncta•  Mate  ovcmmc:nt  Three hundred                                                of 2004 to represent Columb1a County
         prls stayed at A >nda Stale t.:mversuy and                                              m ThcAmcncan Leg1on's Boys State
         I' ere able to  ee, firslhand, the workmg of                                            Boys State IS  a week long event that
         the state go,emment  The Amcncao AUXIliary                                              allow' outstanding students to cxpcnence
         ot Lake Cuy,  cot three guls,  Katelyn Crow                                             1-lllnd  ·,  O\  mm  nt first h  nd  ' U
         and Fadn  na Jean from Columht  High S hool                                             State" is a fict10nal  L1le .:o  1  t10g of
         and  1 lly  homker from Fort \\hlte to anenJ                                            CIU   Each  1ty  ml regwn ha  the r
         !hi  e\COI                                                                              own problem  a   pnonll<   'lui
              U   arnval a mock   v rnmcnt 1                                                     hvm  on Aonda  'tate campu  for er  l
         •rca ted a  the "State of Serruoolc" complete                                           days the   )>debated 1  ue  10 the
         Wlth ea  h "mg representing a C1ty and ea'h                                             chamber  of the Aorida Lega  lature for
         collc.t!Vc floor as a countv  Pos1u   for ''local •                                     four days  They \\ere   en th  ch   <
         go,emm  nt \\1thin th<  c10  l'tre appomtrd                                             to run for office. write btl!>, and deca  de
         l'any hn  are drawn wuhin cnie  and soon pany                                           on  the futur  of Boys  tate  'llle ">tat  "
         el  cuo  bcg-Jo  The JUdiCial and   UU\e bl"allches                                     was actually ran by the   ys so the )a\\
         \\ere elected l'lth rcpr<>cntaUv<> from each party,                                     they expcnence something they mtgh
         one of our o,.n   1elyo Crow, wa  elected
                                                                                                 not ever be mvolved in a  am
         ('ommi  1oncr of Agnculture, and had the opponunny                                      "S1tting m th  actual Senate Chambe  ,
         to meet Flonda Comrru. <~on r of  gTICuhure Charle
         Br  oson                                                                                and hstcmn  to Jeb llu   speak wa  by tar
              Dunng a Senate   >10n ,the guls recel\ed                                           the cool  t pan of the wholetnp"  Colt
         a v1  It from <•o  emor Jeb B  h and the ueu1eo  ot                                     Green"! cnJ  \   m  cung n  w pe  pi  an
         Governor whQ tal<ed to them about th  unportance of                                     karnmg about th  ar  ·  hool "  T  mar J
                10 our state's govemltl(l!t and bcm                                              ,,  favontc thmg w"'  the food  It wa
         k:no.-. I   ns w or kin   guts "er   en a                                               aw   e "· Dall  Sapp
         tour of the Governor'  \1   lUll and were able to                                       'The scenery on Aomla Slate'S camp  was
         •  pentn  th  lOllll ""'" n   f Aorida s  t.abti  bed                                   beauuful. and 11  ur   a. m   to look  t
           c:rnmau                                                                                h1l • we l'ere wa  n  from the d   to
                                                                                                 the auditonum   Aaron Wolff
          240  Girl's and Boy's State
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