Page 239 - chs-2004
P. 239

They add sparkle and shine to halftime

       The  H  Color Guard con  i  t  of twenty young, talented ladie  .  We have  pent many hour  , day  , and month  in order to
       perform a colorful, eyepopping show for the fan  to  ee at halftime.  The team i  pon  ored by Mr  . Adkin  .  The Captain of
       the team i  Je  ica Reed.  We have a fresh team thi  year and thi  i  the be  tone that Mr. Adkin  ha  een in the eight year
       that he ha  been the band director at  olumbia High  chool.                           By:  Je  ica Reed


      -\bO\.::  Kristm  Giebcig,  ltflan;  Thnft.  Kathennc   ummer~. Lmd  <!]  B.:stmand. and  Keely  Duff I me  up  to
      performance  The)  are  \\ attmg  for  thetr  mstruct10ns

                                                                                   bO\e·  Karla Pipptns t\\ trls her gun dunng the halftime
                                                                                  '-hO\\   he 10\ es shming in  the Jungle.

                                                                                  Lcfi:  The CH  ( olor (,uard  march.:.  \\ tth  the  CH
                                                                                  Band  m the  Homecommg  parade.  These  girl  can
                                                                                  mardt and dance to the band's mustc.

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