Page 242 - chs-2004
P. 242

BciO\\ ·  Arlena  Coker  and  her  brother   Belm1:  I ugene  JcfkNm  and
                                                                     Albert  Coker  ah1ays  enJOY  'pend1ng
                                                                                                s1ster  (  hakoa  JeffeNln  dre
            AF                              Aff            •         ttme  together   Arlena.  the  senior.  is   mcely  for  church.  lt"s  ah1ay  r
                                                                     ah1ays  looked  up  to  by  her  younger
                                                                                                be  '' tth  your  fam1ly  on  the  .,..

                                          Bclo11 : Tatma and  Eli7abcth G1st  dance
                                          the1r hearts out at a pep rally  These
                                          Tigercttc' arc defimtcl) eye catchers.

                AbO\ e:  Kon  Drake  and  her  sister
                Haley  Drake  get  ready  to  go  to  a
                Flonda  tate  game.  They  are
                sponmg  the1r   ole  Pride.
                Above  Right·  Heather  and  Victona
                 mtth  get  read}  to  go  to  the  mall
                They  enJOY  spcndtng  ttme  together

                                          Above:  Jennifer  Rodgers  and  ~1cheal Rodgers  share  the  same  class.  lcammg 111th  fam1ly  is  always  fun.  l·ar  Rtght:  Mallor)
                                          ummerall  and  Ashley  Summerall  enjoy  thctr cru1sc  to  the  Bahamas.  Fun  in  the  sun  11ith  family  1s  a  blast.

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