Page 158 - chs-2005
P. 158
loan smile as he look>
meet. H1s 1s e:~.tremcly
Right: olumb1a S\\lm team members are as folllows: Bnttany Me raw, Amber Mannsmen, Lindsay Beach, "Iii"
Heather m1th, tephanie ecil, "'11chael Beard ley, ass1 tant coach Katie Herndon, Ben Rigdon, Megan Huffman,
lly Pushell, Heather mith, Ashley H1ckman, Devm Duckwiler, head coach Drew loan, Brad R1gdon, Johnathon
Harley, Derek Hyde, Dehne ibbemson, ha\\n Miller, Eh Tuggle, Cameron Tolar, and Blake Deckle
Happmess over the faces of "Ill" Heather m1th-, Lindsay Beach, and Amber Mannsman
show after a hard earned vict1ory over hc1r oppo Ilion.