Page 184 - chs-2005
P. 184
An Undefeated Season!
H J. . footba II team 7-0 perfect ea on. It
tarted with a horrible tragedy of Ja 'Quez
Gainer d ing in a tragic car accident. We
tarted the ea on with a win again t Bucholz
that" a tep number one. Then we were ready
to play Ea t ide and while we were on the field
there i an announcement that East ide will
not be howing up. That would be tep two.
ext we had to play Palatka, we beat them 21-
0 the fir t hutout of the ea on for the defen e.
That would be tep three. The next tep wa
one of the bigge t, we played uwannee. At
half time we were leading 26-6, they came
back out after halftime fired up. They tormed
back and were only down by five with one
minute left. They drove down the field. There
were three econds left in the game. They were
on the five yard line; the pa flie up and i
caught in the end zone with one foot in but
with one foot out of bound . aleb armichael
and hri Martinez both had interception ,
both ran them back to the one yard line and
Willie Collin took both of them to the hou e
the very next play. We won the game. ext we
were due to play H at home. We tarted off
haky. We were down 17-6 at halftime. Thank
to oach el on' peech at halftime, the fir t
defen ive pos e ion re ulted in a fumble
reco ery by hri Martinez. Then the offen e
took o er, and Darrell nderwood and Willie
Collin led the way with the ru hing attack.
That wa tep four. ext we had to get ready
for Wolf: on. We tarted out trong and by the
econd half were up 21-0. We went on to win
2 -0, another hut out. After that game we were
5 for 5, still undefeated. ext would be the
Ia t step, we had to play GHS again. They Above: ophomore full back
tarted off with an interception returned for a Willie Collins sprints ahead. Above: The defensive line awaits the centere to snap the ball.
He has nothing on his mind but
touchdown by GH . Then the next play was a sconng a touchdown.
kickoff return for 90 yard by Adrian William
for a touchdown. The defen e topped them
time and time again. About that time the
offen e got rolling and before GHS knew it,
everything wa going horrible for them. The
final core to that game wa 3 -2 CH and
J.V had a perfect ea on.
By: hri Martinez
Above: Freshman Alex Carswell just
completes a pass.
180, N Football