Page 179 - chs-2005
P. 179

It isn't the World Wide

                                                               Wrestling Federation but it is

                                                               the best show in town!

                                                                The  olumbia High  chool wre  tling team ended their
                                                                  a  on  15-4. They got off to a great  tart with thirty or
                                                                more wre  tier  coming out for the team.  enior wre  tier
                                                                includ  d  alebAllen, Ju  tin Robert  , Jo  h Da  i  , and Adam
                                                                  rumiti  . The high point  in the  ea on were winning the
                                                                Bronco Invitational,  placing runner-up in the Wild-Cat Duel  ,
                                                                and the team coming together through a lot of adver  ity. The
                                                                team captain  for thi  year were  aleb  lien and Ju  tin
                                                                Rob  rt  . The top wre  tier  with fifteen or more win  included:
           bove·  Semor Caleb  lien  shows  his  strength  by  putting  hi.
         a  head  lock  \\ Hh  no  problem.                       aleb All  n, Matt Bohannon, Merrtt Burru  Adam  rumitie,
                                                                Chri  Dahlbeck, Brady Dick  , Bryan Huggin  , JeffKennedy,
                                                                Greg Poole, and Ju  tin Roberts. The quote for the  ea  on wa
                                                                "Are you  ati  fied?"
                                                                                          -Coach  el  on

         Above:  Junior Greg  Poole  is  going  for  the  lateral  being  that  it  i  h1s  signature

                                                                 Below:  ophomore  Brady  D1cks  hows   bo\e;  The  team  huddles  together
                                                                 that  pmmng  his  opponent  1s  a  p1ece  of   for  a  pep  talk  before  the>  begin  their
                                                                 cake.  He  did  it  without  even  breakmg  a   match.They  are  really  counting  on  a
                                                                 S\\eat.                    \\ln .

      AbO\e:   sistant  coach  Ant\\ an  gives  the  team  his  Ia  t  minute  ad\ ice  before  their  match.
       He  1s  expecting a  big  \\In!

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